
0735890d bvd*mfs}@gmail.com 2015-07-15 22:06
The camp sessions wind down with a ritual climb up the Dream Tree. Donning helmet and harness, campers work their way toward the top of a 40 foot ponderosa. They will tie a fabric scrap, on which they have written a wish, to the top of the tree where it remains, with other dreams of other campers, like prayer flags in the breeze. Then, when the camper is ready, with the encouragement of a team of peer belayers calling out "we support you," he or she will take a leap of faith, jumping from treetop back down to the ground.Adam Lambert has become talk of the town since participating on "American Idol" season 8. Having a signature powerful voice, the singer who always applies fingernail polish and eye make up on every occasion has won music lovers' heart. His debut album "For Your Entertainment" bowed at No. 3 on Billboard Hot 200 with 198,000 copies, sitting several steps above the Idol winner Kris Allen's self titled effort which could only peaked at No. 11. Not only deemed as one of the talented singers, he also becomes one of the most controversial artists this year. He shocked the world as he made a sexually charged performance at the 2009 American Music Awards.

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