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Thank you Spookie I never thought of it that way.  My use of the smeattent heterosexual privilege is a dose of reality for myself, it is to remind myself that I must acknowledge my role in marriage inequality and homophobia.  And you are right, I acknowledge my male privilege as well; being a male social worker.  Again thank you for your point of view.
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No, I definitely see the need for llaebs at this point, I just think that when we're categorized into little boxes it can be limiting. Gender as a biological concept is one thing, but "gender" as a societal concept too often serves to force people to confirm to strict roles that well, kinda suck. It would just be nice if (someday) we didn't all need to be classified by the genitalia we may or may not have been born with.Obviously my experiences with gender are different, but I wasn't trying to speak from my experience but just from an optimistic point of view for the future. I meant no disrespect.
4b958b5f Abhay [22syk9rhlmz@yahoo.com] 2015-10-12 10:18
Lilith, I had understood RuPaul uses the name Andre Charles when he is 'en homme'. If that's wrong, then I aplgooize. Transwomen tend to be particular about labels perhaps because we've been mislabeled for much of our lives (and continue to be). While I understand the distrust and limitations of labels, I feel the impulse to do away with them is largely a luxury by those who don't have don't have to deal with the same issues. More often than not, I've found when I'm described by someone as "a person" it's often masking their uneasiness concerning my female identity. But I get it your experience may differ.
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eac27211 Ana [2dubwwsre@gmail.com] 2015-10-12 10:24
I can't say that GLAAD is a white organization.  I also can't say that they have an it out for the black male cnmoumity.  As a gay black female, I can genuinely say that the reason why this group goes up in arms when homosexual terms are used out of context is the same reason why the NAACP goes up in arms about racial slurs.  Right now there are lgbtq people fighting for same rights as heterosexual people.  If they stand idle while comments like this are made, then they are saying that it's ok to use this type of language.  It's not. I don't think that it's so hard to understand that people who have been oppressed would have a problem when there's jokes or comments made in poor taste that pertain to something about their lives that is criticized on a regular basis already.  As a a member of the black cnmoumity, I know that our cnmoumity is not as accepting of homosexuality as caucasian cultures. For years, black culture has fought for the right to utilize the "n" word as a part of inter-social acceptance.  while i don't agree with that and you might not agree with that, GLAAD's purpose as an organization is not to ban the use of "accepted cultural slang."  They are an lgbtq activist group.  Their opinion of his use of the "n" word would fall upon silent ears.   Yours is a weak argument for several reasons, but the main one has to do with the lack of research in regard to lack of common ground that black groups and lgbtq groups share.  I think that if there were better alliances between the two communities, then there wouldn't be a question of either group feeling threatened or put down by the other.   But I do think that it's interesting that the argument that you pose is the war on black men.  Read Tracy Morgan's statement or "joke" again.  I think that people find many ways to make themselves look bad.
25d6105b Miki [pecfz14c@gmail.com] 2015-10-12 10:24
As a mom with two kids thank you for this reminder. As their mom it is my job to help them dream and if I can't dream and have the faith how can I help them. Thank you for ponitsg this and reminding us all, to dream and have faith.
d60cd69f Wilbert [oxw3t4wgr@hotmail.com] 2015-10-12 10:24
Chi Chi: One question: How many white men has GLAAD tagreted to the same degree as Roland Martin?  Tracey Morgan?  They currently have at least three enormous targets: Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Mitt Romney.  Why is this spat with Roland Martin the only one making making the front page?  Roland Martin's comments are irrelevant and dubious why is GLAAD ramping this one to the hilt with Rick Santorum winning today's Michigan and Missouri caucases without a mumbling word?  Have you or they heard Rick Santorum's diatribes lately???? So you hail from the South???   Did you live and interact in the South as a Black lesbian woman or did you live outside the Black comminity?  Do you reverse what you previously uttered about Black versus White community homophobia or did you just land on the last Space Shuttle? My sister and closest friends are Black SGL women from the South they tell me a  completely different story.  How is it that your experience is so different????  Is it because you are "special"? I think we may be getting warm now Chi Chi.  However, no need to reply I am not sure that an honest response wiill be forthcoming anyway.  Just keep advocating  for GLAAD while proudly proclaiming that the Black community is more homophobic than white community. Sounds like an allegience that we need to explore just a litlte more closely.  And, oh , how many times I have found out that the "political" is really the "personal".
56cafb36 Josalpra [hvylr8vp@outlook.com] 2015-10-12 10:25
My hat is off to your astute command over this tooi-cbravp!
dcd33dca Ana [2dubwwsre@gmail.com] 2015-10-12 10:25
I can't say that GLAAD is a white organization.  I also can't say that they have an it out for the black male cnmoumity.  As a gay black female, I can genuinely say that the reason why this group goes up in arms when homosexual terms are used out of context is the same reason why the NAACP goes up in arms about racial slurs.  Right now there are lgbtq people fighting for same rights as heterosexual people.  If they stand idle while comments like this are made, then they are saying that it's ok to use this type of language.  It's not. I don't think that it's so hard to understand that people who have been oppressed would have a problem when there%E@\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Y\\6\\\\\\\RE4\>\\\\\\\\\\\\\Y\1\RE4\\\\\\\\\\\REEREE\\\\\\Z\Y\\\\RE@\\\\\\\\\\RE4\0
48ed7af2 Kali [mgmbnbftb@yahoo.com] 2015-10-12 10:30
I really wish You gays would quit co-opting the African-American moevment because it's disrespectful to those that died because of the color of their skin and not some Lifestyle.  I don't give a care what you people do but you really need to leave our community alone with your crap, especially you black gays, you should know better.  Your so-called struggle in no way compares to that of people of color and I don't care whether they are African, Chinese, Latino etc. somehow your label of Gay doesn't even fit and you dishonor those Black, Latino people who died because of their race and not a fucking lifestyle.
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920d978a Caz [s00bqnyy05@outlook.com] 2015-10-12 10:34
The whole idea that the Black Community is so homophobic is a LIE, first of all and slodncey cannot be proven. If you really know anything about the Black Community you would know that we have pretty much accepted everyone and their ways into communtiy much to our detriment. This whole Black Homophobia Lie was started by embittered, confused black gay people or white gay people that just wants to put the Black Community on notice and paint them with a broad brush. You should educate yourself is quit perpetrating a lie that you cannot prove. You incessant ignorance is glaring.
49e73018 Moroshkina [dnpaqvbxt@outlook.com] 2015-10-12 10:34
Lisa,You're right.  These days there are more white people sttiarng their transitions earluer because the information is available. Look at little six year old Jazz, the transkid profiled in Barbara Walters recent 20/20 story on transgender children.  There's also now 14 year old Kim in Germany who started her transition 2 years ago. One of my friends in TATS started her transition during her senior year of high school.Ms Deux,Thinking about it.
d1a67bf3 Nicky [f0k1xz56m@hotmail.com] 2015-10-12 10:36
Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on thhguor.
09564991 Murali [s77kv4ar@hotmail.com] 2015-10-12 10:39
nein, aber wenn Sie sich ffcr einen Posten we4hlen lassen, sleoln Sie diesen auch bis zum Ende des Mandats wahrnehmen. (dass man seine Zeit dann nicht mit zig anderen, nicht hieraus resultierenden, Mandaten kombiniert versteht sich meines Erachtens von selbst)
d05df642 Hambali [lr4c8zyyo@mail.com] 2015-10-12 10:40
yes.)  My identity is whoeeheartldly grounded in Christ.I wish the use of labels for orientation were unnecessary.  However, I use labels so that I can offer a framework of knowledge about me.While I know it is highly unlikely the A/G would ever be open and affirming of the LGBTQ community, I continue to be thankful for my heritage and experiences (most likely, I wouldn't know what emotional, spiritual intimacy with Jesus feels like unless I had experienced it in that context).  I pray for the day the Truth about God's perspective towards the LGBTQ community becomes abundantly clear to all sides of the continuum (I don't think either extreme has it 100% correct).Meanwhile, there are brilliant theological and biblical scholars who could effectively argue both sides.  In fact, I worked as an assistant to one of those scholars who was researching to write a book on a theology of human sexuality for the Assemblies of God.  I do not doubt for a second his heartfelt desire to  speak the Truth in love.   Yet, I've read of and met other scholars who believe they are  speaking the Truth in love  by going to great lengths to prove the Bible and God are not against the LGBTQ community   but wholly accept and love us just as we are without the need to  correct  our orientation or gender identification.Considering the nature of Church history and all of the divisions and factions along the way from Early Church until present day, it seems nearly impossible for the entire Church to become one on this specific topic   because there are tons of other theological differences yet to be reconciled.  For some reason, though, homosexuality et al have become the singled out target among the Conservatives, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, etc.  Why not deal with the more fundamental issues, such as the Trinity, theological interpretations of the divinity / human nature of Jesus, the End-Times and the Kingdom of God (how will it all unfold, etc.) or the practical issues like poverty, abuse, starvation, the widows and the orphans?   says,  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.   Notice in James it does not say  to keep others from being polluted.   Every individual is accountable for their own relationship with the Divine, and each journey is unique.Regarding religious differences, how is it that some church denominations and Christians are supportive, while others are the exact opposite?  Does this mean the supportive ones are hell-bound for not  standing up for the Truth and allowing corruptible yeast into the mix?  ()What if the supportive ones have been correct in their beliefs all along this journey, and it's been the opposition who've been incorrect?  Jesus had lots of things to say about the  least of these  and the  .   So, if it turns out the opposition (those against sexual / gender diversity) were incorrect, couldn't Jesus rightfully say  even though you did things in my name, I never knew you  and sends each one away from Him? ().So, I've said all of this to say:  I agree to disagree.  I don't want to change your mind, and I ask for the same respect in return.  If you are able to accept the message, then accept it.  If you are not able to, then please focus on what you can accept.  I understand you love Jesus and whoeeheartldly want to honor and serve Him.  I'm with you on this desire.  Could this be a place to start, for both of us to focus on what we can accept in each other?In Christ,Suzanne
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