
75c38413 bvd*mfs}@gmail.com 2015-07-15 22:48
14. Aspen Shortsfest (April 2012) has been recognized by indieWIRE as one of the world's "50 Leading Film Festivals" and is an international showcase for any short film that is 40 minutes or less. The festival also qualifies for Academy Award consideration, so you're sure to see (or maybe even show?) something that might have a life of its own soon after.Whenever Alex has the building? his absence leaves a void. Yes, the house stays clean, I don have to buy snack food that I end up eating too much of, nobody sasses me or criticizes my choice of clothing/music/vocabulary, no dirty socks are left on the living room floor or kitchen counter, and I get complete control of the remote. So why am I whining?

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