
b1ec856c anonymous 2011-06-28 21:49
9b694968 anonymous 2011-07-03 19:02


a13f2a93 anonymous 2011-07-04 19:39
f347f8bc Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-07-08 16:33



27e4731c anonymous 2011-07-09 00:53
bbdcbb53 ansu 2011-07-10 01:03

初めまして、ansu と申します。 サニヤシンです。






The Remedial Routines

I Routine for Category A
Upsets and Disagreements

Ask yourself each question below, in session and on the meter, and get it thoroughly answered. Give yourself plenty of time, and acknowledge everything that is said in the reply before going on to the next question.

Stepl  With whom are you upset?

Try to get an individual. If the answer is a group, institution, church, company, etc., ask

"Who would represent that group?"

A group is a generality, and very hard to resolve. You can work with  it if you must, but an issue is more likely to resolve with a single person. Issues with a group nearly always come down to an upset with a single person.

Step 2 Tell me exactly what is the upset with     ?

Step 3 Regarding the upset with  -----,  what communication
was not delivered?

Alternate versions of step 3

What didn't you say that you wish you had?
What didn't get said?
What would you like to have said that you didn't say?

[Note: When responding to this question, say the thing with the same
emotion that you felt at the time!]

Step 4 In the upset with ------. was there a failed expectation?

[Alternate version of Step 4.]

How did -------- disappoint you?

Step 5
Did you want something for -------- that he (she) didn't seem to want for himself (herself)?

Step 6
Have you done something you wouldn't want ------ to know about?

if this item read at all , go to the routine for category C

Step 7 How do you feel now about -----------?

It is not always necessary to go completely through this routine. End this routine any time that the needle floats, and you know beyond all doubt that you have handled the upset completely.

3b427441 ansu 2011-07-10 01:05

Routine for Category B

Concerning ----------, what has been your main goal or intention.

Step 2
Do you have any other goal that seems to conflict with achieving the one you just mentioned?

[Find the exact conflicting goal, and have your "client" say what it is.]

Step 3
How do those two goals conflict?

Step 4
How does the problem with seem to you now?

If there is still charge on this quandary, ask,

"Is there an earlier similar problem?"

If this reads, get the earlier similar problem and repeat Steps 1 through 4 on this earlier problem.

d8364fe0 ansu 2011-07-10 01:05

Routine for Category C
(including critical behavior or continuous critical thoughts about the item)

Guilt is the uncomfortable feeling or behavior that comes from a "withhold." A withhold is a stuck mental picture of a misdeed. The misdeed may not be serious, nor perhaps even really a misdeed in everyone's consideration. However, it is your own consideration that counts here. For instance, some people may consider that having a momentary erotic thought about someone is normal and harmless if it does not lead to inappropriate behavior. However, if you were raised in an environment where people consider erotic thoughts to be a sin, you very well might be accumulating withholds just by having those thoughts, and you might have to handle this occasionally. Nevertheless, the most important withholds are not about thoughts, but about actual deeds.

Step 1
Concerning ----------, what questionable deed [misdeed] have you done?

Step 2
Is that all of that? [Get it all]

Step 3
Why did that seem like a good idea to do at the time?

[Get all of your justifications.]

Step 4
Who [else] nearly found out about that [misdeed]?

Step 5
What made you wonder if they knew?

For each person indicated in Step 4, ask Step 5. Repeat 4,5,4,5, etc.
as needed.

Step 6
How do you feel about now?

If you still feel critical or guilty about the person or subject, ask,

"Is there an earlier similar misdeed?"

If this reads, repeat the above Steps 1 through 6, until the response to
the question in Step 6 gives a floating needle and your "client" has a new realization about the subject and feels complete about it.

Note: The Routine for Category C routine can be vemy effective in handling and repairing many relationship situations. However, Category C handlings are typically difficult to do on oneself.

They require a brutal honesty, and it may seem easier not to ask (or answer) the questions, in an effort to leave the area undisturbed.

Left incomplete, the process can leave a person quite angry
not only at the original item, but at yourself as
facilitator as well! One would do well to get special training in this skill from a professional clearing trainer.

d55000f1 ansu 2011-07-10 01:08
Routine for Category D

Repressed Traumatic Memories/Fear

Step l
Tell me about this fear

exactly what are you afraid of experiencing?

[Watch for any reads, and note them down.]

Step 2
Did something like that ever happen to you?

[Watch for a read to this question, and if it occurs, indicate it to yourself. You may have to steer yourself to the exact "picture" of the incident using the meter.]

Step 3
When did it happen?

Step 4
Go to the beginning of the incident.
[Watch for a meter read.]

Step 5
Tell me what you see.
[If you can't see anything from the incident, then get:

a. the location of the incident

b. the duration of the incident]

Step 6
Move through this incident, and as you go, say what is happening in it.

[Repeat Steps 4 through 6 three or four times?more if steady improve ment is obvious.]

Step 7
Is the negative energy lightening up or getting worse.

[If getting worse, find an earlier similar incident, and run Steps 3 through 7 on it, then continue to Step 8.]

[If lightening up, run the same incident as before, until the needle floats and/or your client has a new awareness about the incident.]

Step 8
At the end of that incident, did you make some kind of a decision?

[Note down on the worksheet any decision or conclusion made in the incident just run.]

Step 9
How do you feel now about the fear of -------------?
(the fear described in Step 1.)

Ideally, the fear will be gone, and the reads that occurred before in Step 1 will no longer occur as you think about the incident. Also, a floating needle should occur.

Traumatic incidents, particularly physically traumatic incidents, can be challenging to run solo. There is sometimes a tendency for the client to "dope off" or blank out while running a particularly heavy traumatic incident. In a solo session, of course, this would mean that the practitioner has become incapacitated as well!

If this happens to you, just keep trying?you'll most likely get through
it eventually. If you become discouraged, you can always get help with that particular incident from another Clearing practitioner, and then resume your solo sessions.

It is not unusual, while running a physically traumatic incident, to experience the physical sensation of pain that you had in the original incident.

What you have done is contacted a residual, impacted pain that never disappeared, but was instead suppressed. Remember that this is essentially a mental image of the actual original physical pain. The body cannot distinguish between an actual physically produced pain and a thought of pain.

If this happens, do not panic or back off from the incident, but continue running the Routine for Category D procedure until the sensation of discomfort is gone.

Remember, the same Clearing process that turned on an unpleasant sensation will tually turn it off. And once eliminated in this way, the unwanted sensation will not come back.

This is why you can hypnotize a person and, touching him with a pencil eraser, tell him you are touching him with a lit cigarette, and he will get a burn-blister!

1428735b anonymous vdsv8i7lEuk 2011-07-11 12:20
6662f991 Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-07-11 16:27






は、Step 3が最後に来る。グレードII全体にいえることだが、ソロでやるにはケ


"What have you done to another?" (あなたは他の人に対して何を行いましたか?)

"What have you withheld from another?" (あなたは他の人に対して何を差し控



Step 4とStep 5の間に、出来事の継続時間を訊ねる

"What is the duration of that incident?"


またStep 7でan earlier similar incidentを見つけることが出来なかったとき

"Is there an earlier beginning to the incident?"
"Go to the newly found beginning of the incident and let me know when
you there."
"Move through the incident to the end."
"Tell me what happened."

b40b3f23 anonymous 2011-07-11 19:31


レビンさんの本を見たとき、LRハバードのブリッジの技法を、そのまま使っているのかな?と思いましたが、・・・・、  良いか悪いかわかりませんが、レビンさん流の技法もあるようですね。

英語がだめなんですね。 それにメーターの使い方も、技能もありません。 



b679bc9e anonymous 2011-07-11 19:45



Sexual Relationship Rundown

Step 1
Ask the client to indicate the area of dissatisfaction, as briefly and concisely as possible. Reduce it down to a single phrase, e.g. 'getting into a meaningful relationship  "'getting along with my wife' etc.

Step 2
On the item (or phrase) found in the previous step, run Clearing Procedure #2
Empowering Conversation in Chapter 13 to a point of increased awareness.

Step 3
On the item found in the Step 1 above, using the meter, find and handle all of the NME thoughts connected with it.

Ask the following questions:

a On -----------(item), is there an upset?

[Find and handle all upsets, using Routine A for Upsets and Disagreements in Chapter 20.]

b On -----------(item), is there a quandary?

[Find and handle all quandaries, using routine B for Quandaries.]

c. On -----------(item), is there something you feel guilty about?

[Find and handle all withholds and missed withholds, usingRpnfine C
for gilt

d On -----------(item), is there something you're afraid of?

[Find and handle all physical and emotional traumas, using Routine D for
Fear/Repressed Traumatic Memories.]

Run a. through d. above. However, if the client has a major realization or new awareness, end the session and continue in the next session.

Step 4
Ask the client the following:

a. Describe your parent's relationship with each other.

b. What assumptions did you make about their relationship?

c. How did their relationship affect you?

d How did you handle it?

e. What resulting decisions did you make about sexual relationships?

f. Do you ever take one of your parent's viewpoints when thinking about or considering your own sexual relationships?

1.) Which parent?
2.) What is the consideration you borrow?
3.) How does that affect your own relationships?
4.) When was the last time you did that?

29512bd4 ansu 2011-07-11 19:46

Find out, with regard to the exact item found in Step 1 above ("area of dissatisfaction"), what the client has been trying to do. This will, of course, be a frustrated intention. Run the Emblem Therapy procedure in Chapter 24 on this intention, to the point that the client now has an new awareness on the images and behaviors that get in the way of this intention, and the computations behind them.

Step 6
Finding an Ideal Sexual Relationship

This list of ten questions explores the boundaries and the willingness necessary to define the client's own ideal relationship.

For each question from a. to e., ask the question and get all the answers the client might have, writing them down on a list. From d. to j.,

let the client choose the best answer from each list.

You may use the biomonitor to indicate which item on each list has the most charge, but the final choice is the client's!

a. What things do you want out of your ideal sexual relationship? [List the items.]

b. What would you want to be appreciated for in your ideal sexual relationship? [List the items.]

In your ideal sexual relationship, what would you be able and willing to give to the other person?
[List the items.]

c. What would you be unwilling to contribute or give up for that person or relationship? [List the items.]

d In question a., what is the most important or essential item?

e. In question a., what is the least important (or most negotiable) item?

f In question b., what is the most important or essential item?

g. In question b., what is the least important (or most negotiable) item?

h. In question c, what is the most important (or least negotiable) item?

i. In question c, what is the least important (or most negotiable) item?

j In a sexual relationship, what would you be unwilling to experience, put up with or explore?

The six steps of the above rundown are a rather thorough approach to the
resolution of sexual relationship issues.

However, it is very likely that your client will feel that the issue has been significantly handled before completing all six steps.

If he or she has a major realization in the area of sexual relationships in session, or a major win in that area in life during the course of the rundown, you would do well to consider the rundown complete for the time being.

This would be preferable to overrunning the client on the subject.

Nevertheless, if you are considering that the mission may have been accomplished, always confer with the client on this decision! Remember, the rundown can always be resumed

or even re-run --at a later date.

34ece461 anonymous 2011-07-11 19:49

Weight Rundown


Ask each question, and note the meter read. 

If it does not read and there is no response, go to the next question.

If a question reads, or the client has an answer, find out about it.
If an answer involves an individual, clear any upset with that person.
If it involves a group (e.g., "my family/' "my job/'etc.) ask: "What person represents the group?" and handle the upset with that individual.

After handling an answer to a question, check the question to see if there is still charge on it. If so, handle each read until the question is clean before going the next question.

End the session if a person has a new awareness in the session, and continue from that place in the next session. If the client has a big win in a session, or reports a really big win between sessions, you should end the rundown rather than risk overrunning. (You can always take up where you left off if the client has a "relapse.")

1 What problem is food or eating a solution to?

[Use Routine B for Quandaries on page 164 for each problem found.]

2. Is food a reward?

3. Who gets upset when you don't eat?

4 Who likes you more when you eat?

5. Who told you you'd feel better if you ate?

6. Is being big safer?

7. Is being heavy a solution to a sexual problem?

8 Do you use food or eating to stay in touch with your body?

9. Were you once skinny and considered ugly?

10. Do you think of your body as superior to yourself?

11. Do you ever substitute eating for love?

12. Do you ever substitute eating for sex?

13 Do you use eating to handle anger?

14 Do you eat to punish or take revenge on someone?

[If so, find out who, and clear any upset with Routine A for Upsets and
Disagreements on page 160.]

15 Is food a substitute for some other activity?

16 Is food a substitute for some emotion?

17. Do you admire someone who is overweight?

18. Regarding your weight problem, is there a past life experience?

[Use Routine D for Fear/Repressed Traumatic Memories on page 169 for each
problem found.]

19 Did you have a particularly successful or happy past lifetime as a fat person?

20 Were you ever in a society where being fat was attractive?

21 Were you ever in a society where it was an honor to be fat?

22Were you ever in a society where being fat was a sign of power?

23 Did you ever starve to death?

[Use Routine D for Fear/Repressed Traumatic Memories on page 169 for each problem found.]

24 Did you ever die from malnutrition?

25 Are you eating for someone else?

[If so, find out who, and handle. See #26 below.]

26 Is there an entity who makes you eat?

[If so, have the client communicate with the entity. Find out what it's doing there,how it"helps"the client, and negotiate a departure if possible.]

27 Is someone afraid of starving?

28. By eating, are you repaying someone?

29 Is there someone who tells you when ifs OK or not OK to eat?

30 Who objects when you don't eat?

178951d0 ansu 2011-07-11 19:49
Success Rundown



1、Have the client define "success'

Everyone has their own idea of what success is, and what a successful life would look like. Have the client define the word succinctly, using a dictionary if necessary.]

2、 Have the client describe what his or her own ideal scenario
would look like when he or she actually achieves success.

Part II
Run the procedure for Empowering Conversation (Chapter 13, page 116)
on the subject of "success."

Part III
In session and on the meter, ask the questions on the following list one
a time. Handle each question as noted.

1、What do you really enjoy doing?

[Find the activity that the client finds most fulfilling or is most passionate about]

Note that it is possible with the right attitude, marketing, imagination and enthusiasm to support oneself reasonably well with nearly any activity.
However, there is a level of awareness beneath which this process will not work. If the only answers the client can come up with are hopelessly
useless, e.g., "Getting stoned, dude/'or "watching television/'it would be better to leave off of this rundown and handle/'What problem is getting stoned (or whatever) a solution to?"

2、What are the reasons you can't get paid enough for ---------(item found in #1) ?

[List all of them.]

It is not necessary to discuss or explore these "reasons" at this point.
Listing them brings each one of them to consciousness, giving the client
an opportunity to view them from a state of awareness, rather than just
responding to these beliefs unconsciously.

3. Is there something else you should be doing instead?

4. Who told you should be doing -------(item found in #3) instead?

5.Is there someone who does what you'd like to do whom you admire?

[If so:] Tell me about them.

6.Is there someone who does what you'd like to do whom you despise?

[If so:] Tell me about them.

a. How is that person similar to yourself?

b. How is that person different from yourself?

[Go back to a., then h, and repeat until the client cognites that they are not exactly the same as that person, and are not impacted by the similarities with respect to the chosen activity.]

7. Have you ever, in any lifetime, been successful at doing -----?

[If so:] Tell me about it.

8. Have you ever decided never again to do -----------?

[If so:] Why?

9 Have you ever been punished for succeeding at -----------?

[If so:] Tell me about it.

10 Have you ever used your skill at ------------- to harm another?

[If so:] Tell me about it.

11. Have you ever punished another for doing ---------?

[If so:] Tell me about it.

12. Have you ever used your skill at ------------to betray someone?

[If so:] Tell me about it.

13. Have you ever done illegally?

[if so:] Tell me about it.

14. Is there someone whom you would feel embarrassed around if you did ---------?

[If so:] Tell me about it.

[This may require reviewing the data on suppression in Chapter 27 with the client]

15. Does someone disapprove of you doing ------------?

[If so:] Tell me about it.

[This may require reviewing the data on suppression in Chapter 27 with the client]

16. Who has tried to suppress your activity of -----------?

[If so:] Tell me about it.

[This may require reviewing the data on suppression in Chapter 27 with the client]

17. Whose activity of -----------have you suppressed?

18. Is there an entity who is afraid of your being successful at -----------?

19. Is there an entity who keeps you from doing ------------?

20. In life, what have you been trying to accomplish?

21. Who or what is stopping you?

22. What is their goal?

23. What quandary (problem) has been created between them and you?

24. What solutions have you had to that problem?

[List all"solutions"or behaviors the client has tried.]

25. What is the reasoning behind --------------(each."solution"or behavior)?

[Get, separately, the reasoning behind each "solution"or behavior the client has attempted to use to deal with the problem.]

26. [For each "solution "or behavior found in 26.]

When was the last time you used that thinking (or behavior)
to make a decision?

27. What are you currently doing to bring about your success in ----------- (activity where success is sought) ?

28. [For each item found in 27.]

How is that action appropriate? [Get answer.]

How is that action inappropriate?

29. What are you neglecting to do to bring about your success in ----------- (activity where success is sought) ?

30. [For each item found in #29]

Why has ----------- seemed not worth doing until now?

31. Regarding being successful in ----------- (activity where success is sought), have you had any new awarenesses or insights in this session?

d9714d30 anonymous 2011-07-11 20:01
1. Are you using ---------,to keep yourself out of something?

2. Are you using ---------,to remove yourself from something?

3. Are you using ---------,to try to save yourself?

4. Are you using ---------, to stop yourself?

5. Are you using ---------, to stop others?

6. Are you using ---------,to punish yourself?

7. Are you using ---------,to punish others?

8. Are you using ---------,to feel important?

9. Are you using ---------,to make someone else feel unimportant?

10.Are you using ---------,to get sympathy from others?

11. Are you using ---------,to get sympathy from yourself?

12. Are you using ---------,to avoid being wrong?

13 Are you using ---------,to explain or justify a failure?

14 Are you using ---------,to attract attention?

15. Are you using ---------,to keep someone else from getting attention?

16 Are you using ---------,to feel right?

17 Are you using ---------,to make someone else wrong?

18 Are you using ---------,to blame someone?

19 Are you using ---------,to blame yourself?

20 Are you using ---------,to take a break?

21 Are you using ---------,to keep others occupied?

22 Are you using ---------,to give others a problem?

23 Are you using ---------, to demand help?

24 Are you using ---------, to avoid feeling guilty?

25 Are you using ---------,to make someone else feel guilty?

26. Are you using ---------,to keep from being controlled?

27 Are you using ---------, to maintain control?

28 Are you using ---------,to control yourself?

29. Are you using ---------, to control others?

30 Are you using ---------,to avoid harming someone?

31 Are you using ---------,to enforce agreement from someone?

32 Are you using ---------,to worry others?

33 Are you using ---------,to worry yourself?

34 Are you using ---------, to gain an advantage?

35 Are you using ---------,to defend yourself?

36 Are you using ---------,to make a point?

37 Are you using ---------, to create a distraction?

38 Are you using ---------,to fool another?

39. Are you using ---------,to fool yourself?

40 Are you using ---------,to fulfill a purpose?

41 Are you using ---------,as a reminder of something?

42 Are you using ---------,to get something you wanted?

43. Are you using ---------, to protect yourself?

44 Are you using ---------,to protect others?

45 Are you using ---------,as a warning?

46 Are you using ---------, to store something?

47. Does ----- help hold off a bad feeling?

48. Does ----- help hold off a painful sensation?

49. Does ----- help you avoid thinking about something?

6675aa92 anonymous 2011-07-11 20:04

[Note: Very "victimy" people may feel accused from being asked these questions. In the case that a client is terribly offended at being asked the questions above, so that he or she is too upset to go on, do not continue with the list This procedure will only work on people whose personal reality allows them to take at least some responsibility for the condition they are in.

In such a case, Part I of this rundown will have to suffice, and if the condition has not been handled, refer the client back to more strictly conventional treatment, and/or to a support group.]

Note on Unwanted Physical Conditions

You will do well to consider that every personal issue will eventually manifest as a physiological issue, and every physiological issue is in some way a manifestation of a personal issue. That said, the Clearing practitioner must understand that physiological issues are real, and our society highly regards those who specialize in handling them. If a client comes to you with a physical complaint, it is imperative to insist that they consult a licensed physician. Clearing work can then be done as an adjunct to, or in conjunction with, the physical healing. It is up to the individual to request the supplemental services of the Clearing practitioner. More and more, not only people but doctors themselves are beginning to understand the importance of the role of state of mind and beliefs in the physical healing process.

On the other hand, there are those who seek Clearing or other mental, spiritual or energetic disciplines as an alternative to conventional medical treatment. Some have arrived at this decision as a point of personal philosophical, spiritual or religious preference; others have actually tried various forms of conventional medicine and given up, now resolved to avail themselves of alternative means as a last ditch effort. Nevertheless, it is crucial for the private Clearing practitioner to be able to show, when addressing a physiological issue, that conventional medicine was recommended as either a prerequisite or an adjunct to Clearing. Thus, the Sample Client Agreement Form (Appendix XIX, page 352) is of extreme

ea7631d7 ansu 2011-07-11 20:04
Unwanted Conditions Rundown

Part I. Unwanted Conditions Handling

[Familiarize yourself thoroughly with Clearing Procedure #2?Empowering Conversation, Chapter 13, page 116.]

1. Have the client describe the disability. Have him or her restate it if necessary, so that it is expressed as succinctly (in as few words) as possible.

2. Use Clearing Procedure #2 to address the condition or disability described above, beginning on Step 2 of the procedure (as the client has already stated the unwanted condition).

Part II.
Unwanted Conditions List

In Clearing, we understand that every peculiar behavior or unwanted condition started as an attempted solution to some problem. Thus, each question in the following list is a prompt, intended to give the client a momentary opportunity to plumb the biomonitor, read each question directly to the client, and note the read (if any). Of particular interest are instant reads.

If there is no meter response, and no comment from the client, go on to the next question.

If a question reads, have the client explain what he or she thinks the charge is. If the client's explanation is accurate and thorough, and the practitioner correctly acknowledges it, the meter will blow down, and possibly the needle will float. If this does not happen, you will need to ask:

Is there more to that?

If there is no more to that answer, ask:

On the question ------------, is there something else that could be reading?

Handle the question thus until it no longer reads when asked, or until there is a floating needle.

As the client talks about a reading item on the list, it will become evident that connected with that item is a quandary, trauma or upset?sometimes of great magnitude and/or of long duration. The Clearing practitioner must know how to smoothly apply the appropriate Routine A, B, C or D from Chapter 20 to that issue.

Furthermore, mental images or"stuck pictures"will occasionally surface, and may be addressed with the techniques in Chapter 24 on Emblems (Behavior-Enforcing Images).

End the session if a person has a new awareness in the session, and continue from that place in the next session. If the client has a big win in a session, or reports a really big win between sessions, you should end the rundown, rather than risk overrunning. (You can always take up where you left off if the client has a"relapse.")

2a035aad ansu 2011-07-11 20:09
ノード管理者 様


fc0bbe37 Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-07-12 06:50

方針書«The Second Dynamic Rule»あたりがある。


f8cdd549 ansu 2011-07-12 22:35



日本では、このような↓ おもちゃもでているのですが、セラピーで利用していくような感じではないようです。


e3890b8c ansu 2011-07-12 22:37


Assessment IV

Determining the Category of Difficulty

Choose an item that you would like to handle, and use it in each following questions in place of the blank:

EXAMPLE: If the item is work then Question 1 would read,
"Concerning work, is there an upset?"

If you get an instant read on any item, go immediately to the appropriate rentedial routine on the following pages. If the client has a major win and floating needle, end off.
If not, return to this list and continue, until no items read.

1 Concerning , is there an upset?

2 Concerning , are you pissed about something?

3 Concerning , is there a disappointment?

4 Concerning ,has someone invalidated you?

5 Concerning ,is there something about which you've
been sad?

6 Concerning , is there a problem?

7 Concerning , is there a conflict?

8 Concerning , is there a distraction?

9 Concerning ,is there something you feel guilty

10 Concerning ,is there something you're ashamed to
talk about?

11 Concerning ,is there something you're afraid of some
one finding out?

12 Concerning , do you have a lot of critical thoughts?

13 Concerning , do you have a fear?
[Immediately get what the fear is.]

After the complete handling of each item, the above list should be use
on any additional items that you would like to handle, if necessary.

1b32ffcd anonymous 2011-07-12 22:42

1 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there an upset?

2 Concerning ーーーーーー,  are you pissed about something?

3 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there a disappointment?

4 Concerning ーーーーーー, has someone invalidated you?

5 Concerning ーーーーーー, is there something about which you've
been sad?

6 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there a problem?

7 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there a conflict?

8 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there a distraction?

9 Concerning ーーーーーー, is there something you feel guilty

10 Concerning ーーーーーー, is there something you're ashamed to
talk about?

11 Concerning ーーーーーー, is there something you're afraid of some
one finding out?

12 Concerning ーーーーーー,  do you have a lot of critical thoughts?

13 Concerning ーーーーーー,  do you have a fear?
[Immediately get what the fear is.]

bcef9afb Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-07-13 16:14


14c05d64 ansu 2011-07-13 19:15






はっきりいって、私は、コミュニケーションラグの状態でした。パソコンに向かって、オールド・タイマーさんに何かを話しかけようとしても、うまく文字にすることができず、なんかおかしな感じでした。 今もです。 

3b0c10b2 Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-07-14 15:52

31d33f6b ansu 2011-07-14 19:45
ありがとうございます。 改めて、読み直してみます。
a41695a8 なかちゃま 2011-07-21 18:45
3c2fcfbd Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-07-24 16:35


が、NASAとハーバードのサイトを検索してみても、"Lou Tice"に関係した情報は

` 米国においては、NASA、国防総省(陸軍、空軍、海軍、海兵隊)を初めとした
` 連邦政府諸機関や各州政府、全米の警察、刑務所、小学校や中学校、さらには
` 主な大学等がTPIの教育プログラムを公式に採用。

17617ad6 anonymous 2011-07-26 21:31
fe27bd85 anonymous vdsv8i7lEuk 2011-07-28 13:56
4743fbbc トラバント 2011-09-12 07:09
435c8637 anonymous [] 2011-09-16 17:58
This valor look like intimidating, but can be pretty honest. Although you'll find a sum total lot <a href="">replica omega</a> wisdom on the specialty at authority sites, there is no measure characterization at all. Having a up current of currency is assorted on or after profits. Locating superiority suppliers is every time the challenge what time doing affair in dishware.
6c2fe543 ansu 2011-09-18 09:47
思うのだけど、・・ ヨーグルトには、雪印もあれば、明治もあり、・・。

ビールも、同様で・いろいろあります・・。 そして、それは、ビールです。


08314648 ansu 2011-09-18 09:51

d7873d60 anonymous 2011-09-19 23:50
322b63eb トラバント 2011-09-26 02:33

f7b75843 トラバント 2011-09-28 08:03
7a69955e ansu 2011-09-30 22:10
108さんの「チケット」「デバッグ」「裏デバッグ」そして108さん推薦の「神の潜在意識改造法」「神の錬金術」「神の復縁ナビ」 を読んでみたら、願望実現を通じての思考への理解が、まったく新しく、そして単純すぎるぐらい単純な技法で示されていました。





オールドタイマーさんは、これらの本は、読まれましたでしょうか?  もし読まれていましたら、感想などをお聞かせ下さい。

ce3af34c Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-10-05 17:12



15f45eab Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-10-05 17:22


` 15. To stress the freedom to use Scientology as a philosophy in all
` its applications and variations in the humanities.

` 16. To insist upon standard and unvaried Scientology as an applied
` activity in ethics, processing and administration in Scientology
` organizations.


"standard and unvaried Scientology"が求められている。

c996ec56 Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-10-05 17:31

6485f5b5 anonymous 2011-10-08 07:09
efc55d54 Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-10-11 07:18


9a92aa89 anonymous 2011-10-11 22:08
9ac882b5 anonymous 2011-10-12 02:36
3d6ed3a0 Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS 2011-10-12 17:41


5e231904 ansu 2011-10-12 21:02
最新版ありがとうございます。 友人にも知らせます。 参考にさせていただきます。
a5071cdc anonymous 2011-10-13 03:07


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